Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Way back in the good ol' days of 2008-09

It reminds me of my West Coast 9/11 experience. I arrived at work hours after the towers fell w/out hearing what had happened until I arrived. As always, I bought a coffee and newspaper and got on the bus. When I arrived at work, I stashed my newspaper and left work to watch CNN. Weeks later, when the world changed, I found the September 11th, 2001 newspaper and it described a world that no longer existed.

Thus it is with this Chronicle of Higher Education state-by-state budget analysis.

The Chronicle of Higher Ed published a surreal piece comparing 2008-09 higher education budgets to 2007-08, and lamenting meager growth. This brand-new analysis is obsolete at birth.

The map shows increases in most states' higher education budget. Since then, many states' higher ed budgets have been slashed in the current year, and will be torn asunder next year.

This map will be redder next year. Good to know how the past might have been.

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